This is new to me, so bare with me. Someone told me this was a good place to share my faith and hopefully encourage others with scripture and music. I remember well what it was like before I came to know Jesus and I don't ever want to be there again. So this will help me just as much as it will anyone else. I'm not gonna share my life story cuz that would take way too long and bore you to the point of not listening to anything else I said. :#) Anyways my plan is to start small and work towards digging even deeper into things. So my commitment is every morning I will give you a word of encouragement from God's word and then a song to listen to. Hopefully this goes well. So we will start today.......

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Genesis 28:16-17 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it." He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven."

This piece of scripture really hit me early in my walk with the Lord. Although I know Jacob's revelation from God came to him in a dream and mine didn't, but my revelation was just as real to me. Jesus comes to all of us in HIS own special way. But just like Jacob I was unaware of HIS presence until HE woke me from my sleep. We were all asleep in one fashion or another. Are you awake today??? Do you realize HE'S right beside you right now???

1 comment:

  1. I really like the concept of the daily encouragement with Word and song. Cool idea!
    It's always a good read when I get convicted by Holy Spirit. I see how you intend for this entry to be about someone's eternal walk with the King, but I was convicted about my daily walk with Jesus. Too many times have I been up and moving around, before I stop to invite Him into my day. Am I really awake without His direction in my day?
