This is new to me, so bare with me. Someone told me this was a good place to share my faith and hopefully encourage others with scripture and music. I remember well what it was like before I came to know Jesus and I don't ever want to be there again. So this will help me just as much as it will anyone else. I'm not gonna share my life story cuz that would take way too long and bore you to the point of not listening to anything else I said. :#) Anyways my plan is to start small and work towards digging even deeper into things. So my commitment is every morning I will give you a word of encouragement from God's word and then a song to listen to. Hopefully this goes well. So we will start today.......

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Romans 5:8 " But God demonstrates his own love for us in this : While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. "

I've read this verse time and time again just as I'm sure you have too. But, this morning during my morning devotional time it really got down into my heart. To think about dying for someone who cursed you, spit on you, beat you and nailed you to a cross is really crazy but that's exactly what Jesus did for you and me. That kind of love is beyond our own understanding. The clearest picture we will ever have of God's love for us is Jesus Christ battered and bloody hanging on a cross dying for you and me while we either screamed "crucify Him", or we spit on Him, or beat Him, or we just did absolutely nothing while HE willingly gave HIS life up so that we might be saved!!! That is love to the highest degree brothers and sisters. Jesus Christ is the heart of our awesome loving God!!! So today let us focus on the cross and forget about the pity stuff we tend to get caught up in.

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